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Hon. Pohiva Tu’i’onetoa made the statement when he provided Parliament with an updated report on its achievement in efforts to combat the effects of climate change in Tonga.

In 2015, Tonga were among different worldwide nations made the commitment under the Paris Agreement to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.

The Hon PM told Parliament climate change is the biggest challenge the world and the Pacific are facing despite the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.

He said scientists would most likely discover a cure for the coronavirus in the next couple of years, but climate change issue would last up to a 100 year.

Pohiva said the effects of climate change will get worse if the world do not act now to save our planet and our lives.

Climate change issues affecting Tonga includes the frequency of powerful cyclones battering Tonga, sea level rising, storm surge and coastal erosion among other issues.