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King Tupou VI made the remarks when he officially opened the 2018/2019 parliamentary session this morning at the new temporary parliamentary site, Tonga National Centre.

The King said it was obvious from the looting of Nuku’alofa in the past few years, damages to businesses and loss of lives is the result of breaching the law, peace and stability.

On that note, the King also asserted it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment we are living in for our future generation.

“If we don’t preserve it for the next generation, there’s no hope for the children of tomorrow,” reminded his Majesty.

In regards the aftermath of TC Gita, His Majesty also acknowledged it has been months after the cyclone, yet many people are still needing assistance.

Hence, he wished for the recovery and rebuilding effort speeded up as Tonga is now approaching the winter season. He added people are also affected emotionally, psychologically and in a stressful situation.  

Two pressing issues His Majesty always put forward for Parliament and Government to commit to are education and health. This morning King Tupou VI said efforts to promote healthy living should be aligned with worldwide actions.

He also mentioned that drugs related problems now remains the kingdom’s major social problem. It impacts great damage to many families. He also noted that some countries have imposed death sentence for drugs related crimes.

In providing a solution to the problem, the King encouraged government leaders and legislators to collaborate in creating jobs opportunities for the unemployed youths locally and internationally.

King Tupou VI also suggested to government leaders and MPs to further provide opportunities for students to pursue studies overseas. This is to boost higher education in Tonga. They can further their studies in universities, come back and work to further build  the country.

His Majesty also expressed gratitude to Tongans living abroad for their love and sacrifice in helping to build our economy. He also acknowledged the continuous support from donor agencies and countries for the development of Tonga.

The King concluded his speech by wishing the legislators to deliberate and debate in Parliament for the beneficial of the people and all glory to God.