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The Office of the Lord Speaker of the Legislative Assembly received on Tuesday 22 August 2023 a Notice of Intention to Move a Motion for a Vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister, Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni. The Notice was submitted by the Representative of the People of Tongatapu 5, Hon. Dr ‘Aisake Eke, together with the Motion for a Vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister, which has been signed in support by 10 Members of Parliament including Dr Eke.

The parliamentary proceedings to follow is dictated by clause 50B of the Constitution as well as the Rules of Procedures of the House. The motion has been vetted for compliance with these requirements and was sent today to the Hon. Prime Minister for his information and to allow him to compile a written reply to the grounds of the motion. The Hon. Prime Minister has until Friday 1 September 2023 to prepare and submit his reply.

Notification will be issued of the date when the motion will be tabled with the Legislative Assembly; where it will be read out and debated before it is put to the vote.

Issued by the Chief Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
26 August 2023
Office of the Legislative Assembly, Nuku’alofa, Tonga