Tongatapu Constituency 10 Member of Parliament takes oath of Office.
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The Member for Tongatapu Constituency 10, Kapelieli Lanumata has been sworn in at the Legislative Assembly of Tonga this morning.
Hon. Lanumata upon taking his oath pledged his loyalty to his Majesty King Tupou VI and to righteously and conform to and keep the Constitution of Tonga and zealously discharge his duties as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Tonga.
He won the electorate’s by-election held last month.
PIFs and SPC workshop for MPs on key regional issues gets underway in Tonga
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A two-day workshop for the Members of Parliament on key regional issues got underway in Nuku’alofa today thanks to the kind support of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the South Pacific Community (SPC) through a closer partnership with the Legislative Assembly Office.
Read more: PIFs and SPC workshop for MPs on key regional issues gets underway in Tonga
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