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The Clerk of the House Sione Tekiteki and Education Officer Sione Vikilani hosted the students and held a presentation on the functions and workings of Parliament. The students who are in the diploma programme asked questions after the presentation in a mock press conference exercise.

The students will be writing stories about the Legislative Assembly from what was said during the mock press conference and presentations as part of their course work.

Sione Tekiteki emphasized to the students the importance of disseminating the correct information and that there is no place to get the right information about the Legislative Assembly then the staff and office of the Legislative Assembly.

Students were also interested on parliamentary media coverage which Dr. Vikilani was happy to share with them his experience having worked as a Parliamentary reporter for the Tonga Broadcasting Commission’s Radio and TV Tonga for 10 years prior to working for the Legislative Assembly.

Students then had a tour of the Legislative building and office. Hosting schools is part of the Legislative Assembly’s education program and the Journalism students visit was important because they are the journalists of the future.