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The main purpose of the visit is to further develop parliamentary links, following on from the recent study visit to Australia by the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Tongan Legislative and in support of the Pacific Parliamentary Partnerships program that has been established for the Tongan Legislative Assembly with funding from AusAID.

The President will meet with the Tongan Speaker, Lord Lasike, and parliamentarians to discuss parliamentary development needs and issues, and also future directions for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, including at the regional level.

The President will also meet with committee chairs of the Tongan Legislative Assembly to discuss the processes and work of parliamentary committees and the role of committee chairs, in light of the recent reforms in Tonga.

The President of the Senate will be accompanied by his Senior Adviser Mr Quinton Clements.

The President will be visiting Singapore and New Zealand before coming to Tonga. The aim of his tour to these nations is to further develop parliamentary links and for discussion on reforms to and future directions for the CPA.