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Ha’apai 13 People Representative Veivosa Taka nominated Lord Tu’ilakepa, and all of the 13 MPs who were present at the time voted for Lord Tu’ilakepa.  

The former Minister of Fisheries replaces the former Chair Lord Vaea who was recently appointed as a new Minister of Internal Affairs.   

Number 2 Vava’u Noble Representative was first elected into Parliament in 1993 and got re-elected in the 2005 election. 

He has served as the Chairman of the Whole House Committee for three years from 2005-2007. In 2008 Lord Tu’ilakepa was appointed Speaker of Parliament and had also served as Member of the Legislation Committee and Chair the Legislative Assembly of Tonga Retirement Fund Board in the same year. 

The Vava’u Noble Representative was also a former Member of the Special Parliamentary Select Committee on Political Reform formerly known as the Tripartite Committee.  

From 2006-2008 Lord Tu’ilakepa became a Member of the CPA Executive Committee and had attended high level parliamentary meetings and conferences in Australia, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia, Palau and Kenya among other countries.